We are Indequity
A combination of investors and entrepreneurs. Preferably, we define ourselves as company builders.
We invest in what we do –monetary and with heart and mind –whenever and wherever needed we are operational.
Building companies is what we love to do and are best at.

We give companies the opportunity to show the world what they can do
We see talented entrepreneurs within various industries struggling to take their business to the next level, or feel a desire to become part of something bigger. We strongly believe in just that, to be part of something bigger, and to give extra power to local stars, but behind the scenes. If a business is facing a generational change, we have the experience to handle it as well as to create stability and a smooth transition for those who will keep developing the business.
We build leading players and create value for the future
By giving the local business extra power, we can secure fine businesses for the future that otherwise would have met challenges through increased competition, digitalisation needs or the need for volume and scale. The demands of the outside world are changing rapidly and thus the rules of the game. We create the conditions to handle the new reality and introduce new concepts and solutions the world demands.
We stand for precision, perseverance and courage
We are deeply involved in our companies’ operations and take on the roles required to successfully build a leading player. This means a lot of traveling and presence on site, "where it happens". Three words represent us and our way of working.
Precision to invest in the right niche, precision to understand the industry's stated and unspoken rules, precision to see beyond the obvious and add something new. To us, precision also means maintaining focus as it is a prerequisite for implementation. .
Perseverance is one of the keys to building companies and we know that adversity is required to achieve success. We typically create challengers within the industries we enter and then it is all about perseverance -not giving up until the goal is achieved.
Courage is necessary to possess as a challenger, onemust dare to challenge cherished beliefsand followone’s own dreams. We constantly mustmake bold decisions as part of building our companies.
Team Indequity
What unites us is our passion for building companies. Together, we cover a wide range of competences, both operational and strategical. Together, we have experience from leading strategy firms. We have operated in management positions up to group CEO and we have expertise pertaining to the entire value chain from production to sales and the ability to lead and implement changes.

What we do
Indequity works with company construction within industries and niches that we have identified as attractive. We focus on cases where we can work with an already strong business, or where we can achieve profitability in a near future.
Career at Indequity
We are deeply involved in our companies’ operations and take on the roles required to successfully build a leading player. Therefore, it is important that everyone who works at Indequity is also passionate about working with everything from strategic issues and analysis to actually "making it happen". We are looking for people who share our vision and have experiences that can contribute to further developing our business.
All our roles however require fluency in Swedish.